Category Archives: Movies

Favorite Movies

All movies are available on NTSC & PAL DVD’s and NTSC VHS tho you can make your own from PAL DVD’s.

NTSC are all encoded at 23.976 fps Progressive with the “pulldown flag” activated. You can find more information about the Telecine Process Here

PAL are all sped up either 4.16% or 4.27% depending if the source is 23.976 or 24.000 fps and “atempo” filter is used which don’t change the pitch of the sound being played “a little faster”

Note that all movies will have a 12px black border around the image. That border isn’t visible if you’re hooked up the “old way” and accounts for “orverscan” older tv had and newer tv’s still apply for some… silly reasons!

Black bars should not be visible when played on modern setup tho you might want to set your DVD player to output 480 / 576 lines thru that HDMI cable and not an “upscaled” version of the thing.

Movies that have been shot in the aspect ratio 2.35:1 are boiled down to an half and half between 16/9 (1.77) and the native (2.35) trying to “keep as authentic as it can be tho using the most we can out of the visualizer we got.

English Name Nom Français Year Link Magnet Cue
Brave New World Le Meilleur des Mondes 1980 Direct Roger
Jupiter Ascending L’ascention de Jupiter 2015 Roger
THX 1138 THX 1138 1971 Leo
The Deer Hunter Voyage au bout de l’enfer 1978 Leo
Apocalypse Now C’est l’apocalypse 1979 Leo
The Prisoneer Le Prisonnier 1967 Leo
Catch 22 Catch 22 1970
Watchmen ??
Silk road ?? Japanese? 1988
Natural born killers 1994
The score 1978
Run Lola Run Cours Lola 1998
Soylent Green Soleil Vert 1973 Roger
The Matrix La Matrice 1999
Tucker – A man and his dream Tucker – un homme et son rêve 1988 Denis
Fahrenheit 451 1966 Roger
The Last Battle Le Dernier Combat 1983 Leo
Subway Subway 1985
The Fifth Element Le 5e Élément 1997
Rocky Mountain Express Rocky Mountain Express 2011 Direct
1972 Leo

Special Requests  ( that aren’t my favorites but who knows )


English Name Nom Français Year Link Magnet Cue
The hate you give La haine qu’on donne Ginette
Labyrinth Labyrinthe 1986 Steeve
Pine Apple Express Fred – Reené
Dazed and confused Fred – René
Idiocraties René
Lobster (Collin Farrow) Patrick