The people have spoken

– Lire en français –    I don’t say it. Despite the various reasons given by the STM in order to support their decision to keep the free hugs outside the turnstiles, the fact remains that 89% of the people who responded to the survey initially launched on the Journal De Montréal website are clearly in favor of their presence inside the Montréal subway.


Since all good things must come to an end, I now see myself forced to abandon my favourite location next to the small convenience store, downstairs, inside the Jean-Talon station.

Tomorrow will be another world; A world where people will no longer have to beware of strangers.

A big thank you to all the supporters of this movement, to all the people who have written me such beautiful comments everywhere on the web, to all free huggers of the universe for the wonderful work you do, no matter why do it and to all the people who have until now come to share a hug with a hugger , no matter once again why you did it.




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