SD & Africa Codec Setting


8110 mb  -620mb audio  = 7490 video  7.31 gb video

704*480 ( 680 456 lanczos and pad to )

x264 -b0 -r9 –no-deblock -VerySlow -q6-9 Mp4 Container

Audio, individually encoded, Stereo, Libfdk_AAC 384 LC into mp4 container mastered at -3db

Target 4511 mb in Tmpgenc author works 224 kbps audio, max bitrate 9000, bitrate adjusted to 4511mb

tmpgenc likes -b0 -r9 otherwise frame drops with high motioin

PAL to NTSC Conversion 25 to 23.976 fps

For video:  -r 23.976 -filter:v “setpts=1.0427*PTS”

Keep pitch  -filter:a “atempo=(24/1.001)/25”

Lower the pitch  -filter:a “asetrate=round(48000/25*(24/1.001)),aresample=48000”

704*480 (688*464 lanczos and pad to) or ( 480*456)
q16 (q8 for masters)
3b (compromis compatibilité)
9p ( pas d’amélioration en plus)
250 max keyframe (it’s default
libfdk_aac 384, -cutoff 20000 or copy
mp4 part 14

Downmix from 5.1:

Hard Limiter (Normalize), 20, 3, 0.98, 6, no channel coupling

TomDM1 pan=stereo|FL=0.4*FC+0.20*FL+0.1*BL+0.2*LFE|FR=0.4*FC+0.2*FR+0.1*BR+0.2*LFE

TomDM2 pan=stereo|FL=0.6*FC+0.20*FL+0.1*BL+0.2*LFE|FR=0.6*FC+0.2*FR+0.1*BR+0.2*LFE

TomDM3 pan=stereo|FL=0.6*FC+0.25*FL+0.1*BL+0.2*LFE|FR=0.6*FC+0.25*FR+0.1*BR+0.2*LFE

TomDM4 (low lfe) pan=stereo|FL=0.6*FC+0.25*FL+0.1*BL+0.1*LFE|FR=0.6*FC+0.25*FR+0.1*BR+0.1*LFE

Plus normalizer 500,9,0.98,2.0 coupled

412×232 ( fit into 688×464 when doubled
336 192 meilleur compromis en q21
max 250 key
HeAAC 27 kbps mono
HeAAC V2 35 kbps stereo
-coder 1 -profile:v high -level:v 3.0

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